Design Concierge℠
Helping our Clients continue to be successful! Call us to review this great add-on service!
An adjunct service to our transition management and interior design services, Design Concierge℠ takes care of client needs following the completion of a move or design project. It ensures that client needs are met by locating and procuring specialty items, maintaining seasonal plantings and decorations, and arranging for services like framing, document preservation, restoration, genealogy and family history preservation. It also includes most services that are needed after the design work and Pack-N-Move™ are finished. We encourage continuing the relationship developed during the original service. This breeds the trust in the relationship with our clients.
To support of the Corona Virus recovery of our clients, the Design Concierge℠ service ensured that essential services were available to them.
We are excited to share more fun projects with you – like creating genealogy books and technology assistance for your computer needs. We have a great team for all your needs.

One of our Clients asked us to make a very special “Catco” for her wonderful Cat Pumpkin! So we built a screened porch for her and her cat!”